Why Is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Important?

Why Is Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Important?

The pandemic months with COVID-19 reinforced the importance of having personal protective equipment (PPE) available to everyone. Healthcare workers during that time had an almost 12-time higher risk of testing positive for the virus, and those without PPE were 23% higher than that.

Although we often think of PPE as something for healthcare or food-related settings, every business and industry can benefit from this resource. When worn correctly, personal protective equipment functions as a barrier between you and infectious materials, including bacterial and viral contaminants.

Proper PPE protection prevents unwanted items from contacting your skin, eyes, nose, or mouth.

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The Importance of Having High-Visibility Clothing in the Workplace

The Importance of Having High-Visibility Clothing in the Workplace

Several careers and industries have dangers to consider when workers cannot be seen on the job site. Construction is one of the most dangerous, experiencing more workplace fatality incidents than any other in 2020.

Although workers have no influence on the choices of others, there are some ways that they can control the controllable. That includes investing in high-visibility clothing and workwear. Workers with hi-vis rain jackets, pants, hats, and helmets are easier to see in potentially dangerous circumstances.

Visibility is only one benefit to consider when investing in hi-vis apparel. Here are some of the other reasons why this option makes sense.

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